Supporting emergency rescue of entangled or out-of-habitat marine mammals

The coastal waters and estuaries of the southeastern U.S. are home to several species of marine mammals, including bottlenose dolphins.  Unfortunately, growing coastal development and human activity are putting the health and well-being of these animals at risk. Pollution in our waterways, increased boat traffic, and marine debris–like fishing line or other trash–can cause dolphins to become sick, injured, or entangled. Even extreme weather events, like hurricanes, can impact dolphins by pushing them inland into dangerous areas and trapping them away from their natural habitat.

Our team of scientists, veterinarians, and animal care experts is dedicated to protecting and conserving marine mammals worldwide. Our rescue team is based at our Charleston, SC field station. From here, we deploy throughout the Southeast to help rescue animals that have become entangled in marine debris or displaced from their natural habitat.

This often means traveling to remote and rugged places that are flooded or have been damaged from major storms. Places like Cut Off, LA, where our team helped rescue a dolphin that found itself in a dangerous situation following Hurricane Ida. Heavy rain and a large storm surge had washed this animal nearly nearly 20 miles inland, where the dolphin became landlocked, trapped in a flooded cow pasture. Not only was the dolphin in danger from prolonged exposure to fresh and polluted water, but there were also limited food resources in the area. Luckily, working with our collaborators, we were able to successfully rescue this animal, transporting it back to a safer environment. We’re on call 24/7 to respond to these types of events.

In addition to rescuing individual animals, our team leads studies to investigate dolphin health at the population-level. Our field biologists have been monitoring Charleston’s local dolphin population for decades. And our work across the Southeast has helped develop new techniques that allow researchers to more effectively study dolphin population health. For example, we helped develop finFindR, an app that works like facial recognition for dolphins. It helps us more quickly identify individual dolphins and distinguish them from one another. 

We are dedicated to sharing our work with the local community to help spark a greater public commitment to conserving our coastal ecosystems. Through our educational programs, our scientists engage with students in schools across the region to inspire the next generation of STEAM leaders and ocean advocates.

The Rescue Process

Each rescue is unique, requiring careful collaboration and planning with national, regional, and local partners to provide swift, effective care for marine mammals in distress. Every step, from the initial reporting and planning to the response and follow-up monitoring, plays a critical role in ensuring the best possible outcome for the animal.
Reporting and Planning

The rescue process begins when an at-risk animal is observed or reported. The team assesses the site, monitors the animal, and develops a strategic response plan. Roles, schedules, and resources are assigned to ensure each team member, from vessel operators to veterinarians, can work seamlessly. This critical phase lays the foundation for a safe, efficient, and effective intervention.

Safe and Effective Response

With decades of experience, our team uses specialized techniques and equipment to safely approach and handle each animal. Supported by skilled handlers, veterinarians, and vessel operators, we strive to provide a safe and efficient rescue for both the animals and people involved.

Veterinary Care for Rescued Animals

Veterinarians perform thorough health exams, treat injuries, and use diagnostic tools like blood samples to evaluate each animal’s condition. This helps determine whether it’s ready for release or requires further care.

Safe Release Back to the Wild

Once stable, animals are carefully released in locations where they have the best chance to survive. Our research helps guide these decisions, ensuring successful, safe reintegration.

Ongoing Monitoring After Release

When possible, we attach satellite tags and collaborate with partners to monitor the animal’s movements. This valuable data allows us and other researchers to conduct follow-up surveys, document recovery, and gain insights into the movements of dolphin populations in less-studied areas along the southeastern coast.

Global Application

Everything we learn from local population monitoring and rescue informs our international conservation efforts. NMMF collaborates with communities worldwide to strengthen marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation practices. By sharing our expertise and resources, we help improve conservation strategies across the globe, protecting vulnerable species and ecosystems.

Rescuing Marine Mammals

Marine mammals face serious threats, from entanglements in fishing gear to displacement by extreme weather events, that require expert intervention. Our Conservation Medicine Field Station {link to new CHS page, to be created}, located in Charleston, South Carolina, serves as the central hub for our work in the southeastern U.S. Here, our researchers play a crucial role in responding to emergencies throughout the region. Partnering with NOAA Fisheries, state and local agencies, and stranding networks, our dedicated team of scientists, field biologists, and veterinarians works together to rescue entangled, out-of-habitat, and entrapped marine mammals. Through precise, coordinated efforts, we give these animals the best chance at survival.
{button: Read more about the Conservation Medicine Field Station in Charleston, SC}

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Thursday, August 31, 2020
Card #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Thursday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 29, 2020
Card #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Thursday, August 29, 2020
Thursday, August 28, 2020
Card #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Thursday, August 28, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Card #4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad. Eos erant indoctum an, dictas invidunt est ex, et sea consulatu torquatos. Nostro aperiam petentium eu nam, mel debet urbanitas ad, idque complectitur eu quo. An sea autem dolore dolores.
Thursday, August 27, 2020