Brian Quigley
Field Station Manager
Brian Quigley, B.S., is a biologist with the Conservation Medicine team. He has worked in the field of marine mammal research since 2011, contributing to in multiple studies investigating health and population dynamics of small cetaceans in the Southeast U.S. Brian earned his Bachelor’s degree in Marine Science from Coastal Carolina University, and after nearly 7 years working for NOAA’s National Ocean Service, Brian joined NMMF in the spring of 2018. Specifically, he is responsible for planning and implementing fieldwork activities to support research of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, including photo-identification, remote biopsy sampling, and capture-release health assessments. In addition, Brian assists with the management of large volumes of data by curating a dolphin health database that tracks hundreds of endpoints for over 1300 dolphins and by supporting the analysis and cataloging of dorsal fin images for multiple bottlenose dolphin stocks across the Southeast U.S.