Gabriela Alongi
Research Associate
Gabriela Alongi is a Bioacoustics Analyst with the WARP (Whale Acoustics Research Project) Laboratory developing algorithms for the passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals. She received her MRes (Master of Research) in Marine Mammal Science from the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland in 2014 and BS in Aquatic Biology from UC Santa Barbara in 2011. Before working with the Foundation, Gabriela was an analyst of bioacoustics data for Bio-Waves, Inc. assessing the effects of anthropogenic activities on dolphin vocalizations and developing and testing a call classifier. In addition, she has worked with Ocean Science Analytics to adapt a USV deep-learning classification algorithm for dolphin whistles, participated in marine mammal photo identification for the Aquarium of the Pacific and harbor seal training and behavioral research at the St. Andrews Aquarium, and was a land-based marine mammal observer for the Gray Whales Count.